Dienstag, 18. Dezember 2012

Interview questions

English Version

  1. Collect Information from the Person.
  2. At which public places do you wait the longest?
  3. Estimated the time you wait in average.
  4. Do you have experience with motion controlled games?
  5. Which kind of games do you liked or played the most?
  6. Do you like motion controlled games in general?
  7. Would you play those games in public?
  8. If yes: Which games would you like to play at those places?
  9. If no: Which kind of games would you play in public places?
  10. If you could play with other people, would you rather play cooperative or competitive?
  11. Would the chance to win a price motivate you more to play the game?
  12. I would like to describe the idea of our game...
  13. Would you play this game? Would it help you to pass the waiting time.
  14. Do you have conditional feedback

German Version

  1. Allgemeine Informationen über die Person
  2. An welchen Orten warten Sie, in ihrem Alltag, am meisten?
  3. Schätzen Sie die durschschnittliche Zeit ein, die Sie warten!
  4. Haben sie Erfahrungen mit Motion-Controlled Games.
  5. Welche Art von Spielen haben Sie am meisten/ liebsten gespielt?
  6. Einschätzung von Motion-Controlled Games.
  7. Würden sie Motion-Controlled Games in der Öffentlichkeit spielen?
  8. Wenn Ja: Welche Spiele würden Sie gerne an solchen Orten spielen?
  9. Wenn Nein: Welche Art von Public Display würden Sie gerne sehen, um Sie von der Wartezeit abzulenken?
  10. Wenn sie die Chance hätten mit anderen Personen zu spielen, würde Sie lieber kooperativ, in Wettbewerb oder gar nicht spielen.
  11. Würden Sie ein solches Spiel mehr spielen wenn Sie etwas gewinnen könnten?
  12. Beschreibung unserer Idee mit Hilfe der Szenarios.
  13. Würden Sie die konkrete Idee spielen? Würde es Ihnen die Wartezeit vertreiben?
  14. Wie gefällt Ihnen die Idee, haben sie Anmerkungen/Kritik?
Both versions of the survery, the english and the german version are available at Google Drive. You are invited to complete the survey and send us the result, it will us help to improve on our concept.

Link to the german version
Link to the english version

Montag, 10. Dezember 2012

week#: Who did what?

Name Responsibilities
Aouatef Ben-Mekki MindMap content, Persona
Alexa Schlegel MindMap creation, first idea description
Nizar Ben-Sassi MindMap content, project description
Stephen Prochnow MindMap content, project description


After we collected a bunch of ideas, we had to identify the aspects we want to implement:

Game Idea: Time-O-Waster (Working Title)

We want to give people the possibility to bypass the time they are waiting at train stations, queues at points of interests or simply fight boredom, we created a persona to support our scenario:

Björn goes shopping with his girlfriend. She wants to buy new shoes but does not have a specific pair in mind and searches for the right ones in all the business the Alexa shopping mall has to offer. Björn would rather sit in a pub and watch a soccer game with his friends. He has no interest in any store and went for her to the mall, he is bored to death.

We decided to take the gaming aspect of the Dodge Ball idea, the simple interaction scheme of throwing an virtual ball at targets and the power-ups from the racing game to add some nice visual effects and challenges. The virtual postcard lacks interaction capabilities but it's a nice feature to give the player an achievement for completing the game.

The foundation for our display is an interactive 3D-Break-Out, where you have to hit a number of panels till you uncover a specific picture. After the whole picture is uncovered the user gets a reward.

  • Innovative user attraction
  • Easy to pick up controls, no instructions needed
  • Precise controls for hitting targets
  • Communicate the goal of the game without sound


We started our brain storming with all kinds of cool ideas, we gonna give a short description of  the ideas:

Racing Game

  • Control a racing car with your hands, like you would do in a real car
  • Activate power-ups (e.g. boost or jump) with gestures

Google Maps

  • Navigate in Google Maps in a "Minority Report" fashion (Youtube)
  • Get information about your surroundings (e.g. next places of interest, stores, navigation)
  • Get the information to your phone over Q-R-Codes


  • Play DodgeBall against the computer
  • You have to hit certain areas to gain points
  • You have to evade the enemy balls or you will lose lifes

Fruit Ninja

  • Kinect implementation of the mobile game Fruit Ninja
  • Use the side of you hand as sword or hold an imaginary sword in your hand

Virtual Postcards

  • You are visiting a city but the weather is awful!
  • Take pictures of yourself in front of nearby points of interest

Sonntag, 9. Dezember 2012

About Us

Welcome to the project blog of our group. Let me introduce us!
Nizar Ben-Sassi Computer Science, TU Berlin, loves programming, really a hands-on person, full of ideas and realistic about it
Alexa Schlegel Computer Science, FU Berlin, loves drawing and bright colours, likes organising things and talking to people on the street
Aouatef Ben-Mekki Computer Science, TU Berlin, doing things fast and in an efficient way
Stephen Prochnow Computer Science, TU Berlin, full of ideas, likes unix more than windows, pushing things forward